The devTOOL package has been introduced to the worldwide OS-9 usership by Radisys/Microware through their Pipelines publication (Vol 8 Nr.1 ).
The devTOOL utilities form a useful completement to those available with OS-9. Many of them are based on ideas and methods which work well on other operating systems. The devTOOL package contains a set of practical utility programs for system development and application programming. It has 100 useful utilities. The devTOOL utility package is designed to run on every OS-9 system. Its features include a complete set of wildcard file manipulating utilities, a disk sector editor and other functions which are useful for service and system maintenance.
The following sections are included:
File Maintenance Utilities
Programming Aids
System Analyze Tools
System Maintenance and Service
System Software
System Utilities
Text File Output Routines
Text File Processing
All utilities will run without any additional support files (except OS-9 Termcap is neccessary for some tools) . No installation is required ('plug-n-play' software). The software package has to be copied into a directory on your harddisk and is ready-to-go. All of the devTOOL package utilities provide a convenient user interface and a quick reference on using the "-?" command line option. As an extension to standard help, an extra "Example" section has been added to the objects help area. The help area ("-?" command line option) contains the sections : Syntax, Function, Options, Caveats, Notes, Example.
AEX - Fork a process at specific date/time
BEN - System state performance test
BENCH - System perfomance/occupation test (uses: ben)
BLKSIZ - Change the system min. allocatable block size
CALL - Execute a procedure file with arguments
CEV - Create an event
CHDT - Change the file date/time information
CHNAM - Change module names
CHOWN - Change the group/user id of files
CHREV - Change the revision level of modules
CHSTK - Change the stack size of modules
CLS - Clear the screen
CUT - Cut an area from a text file
CY - Cyclic fork of a user process
DE - View and edit a RBF device
DIVIDE - Divide a file at specified offset position
DLOCK - Make a disk unaccessable for OS-9 cmds
DM - Create or display the contents of a data module
DMD - Cyclic display of the contents of a data module
DMLOAD - Load a file as data module into memory
DT - Test and verify RBF devices
ERR - Display an OS-9 error text
ESIG - Fork a process on signal
EV - Display all active events
FAT - Graphic display of file allocation table
FATED - Edit the file allocation table of a RBF device
FIXDESC - Edit and fix device descriptor parameters
FRAG - Display the file fragmentation and segment list
FSIZE - Display the file and directory size
FSPLIT - Split a large file
F_MOVE - Move data in SSM protected systems
GHOST - Display system configuration information
HEAD - Display the first bytes of a file
IDENTX - Split a merge file into separate modules
IMAGE - Read/write disk contents into/from a file
IN - Display OS-9 initialization parameters
KEV - Kill events
KILLS - Abort processes
MAXAGE - Change the system maximum natural age
MCHECK - Test the system memory area
MD - Cyclic display of system memory areas
MDUMP - Display the contents of a system memory area
MINBLK - Change the process min. allocatable block size
MINPTY - Change the system minimum executable priority
ML - Display the system memory list RAM/ROM
MLOAD - Load a file into memory at specified address
MODEX - Extract a module from a merge file
MODIN - Insert a module into a merge file
MSAVE - Save a part of the system memory area into a file
OS9 - Translate a DOS text into the OS-9 format
PACK - Merge directories and split archive files
PATHS - Display all open paths of a specified process
PE - Automatically patching of files via commandlist
PI - Create a named pipe with adjustable size
PIPD - Display pipe data without destroying
PORT - Prints hex, dec, ascii value of input character
PROC - Verbose display process data
PROCMON - Cyclic display of process data
PTIME - Prints systems/process CPU time (in %)
RDIR - Display additional module information
RECOVER - Recover a file with bad sectors
RECURSIV - Let all programss access subdirs recursively
REMOTE - Remote control OS-9 system via PC
REV - Read event values
ROF - Formatted display of .r and .l files
RSIG - Wait for a signal
RUN - Display the system startup date/time
SCOPY - Copy sectors of a RBF device into a file
SEND - Send a signal to a process
SERVER - Redirect data into another port
SEV - Set event occurences
SHOWDD - Display a RBF device descriptor
SHOWPD - Display a RBF path descriptor
SHOWSS - Display RBF device driver tables
SI - Display system global parameters
SIGNALS - Display user process signal parameters
SSMKEY - Enable/disable the SSM support
SSMTEST - Test the SSM activity
START - Display the start date/time of processes
SYSED - Edit init parameters in the current OS9boot file
TAIL - Display the last bytes of a file
TICK - Display system clock informations
TRAPS - Display process trap and exception handler
TREE - Show the directory tree
UID - Display the current group/user id
UNDEL - Undelete files
UNIXSUM - Calculate a file check sum
UNL - Unlink modules from memory
VER - Display the operating system informations
VEV - Set an event value
VOL - Change volume label (name) of media
WEV - Wait for an event
WHERE - Search for a file across directories
WIPE - Destroy a file
XCHG - Replace a string in a text file
XD - Like a "Norton Commander" for OS-9
The USER library provides many basic functions of the devTOOL utility package. The functions were included by nearly every devTOOL utility. Each utility has been linked together with the USER library. The USER library contains a set of useful functions which may help the software developer in many situations. The following list of functions shall give you an impression on the large scale of functions which are provided with the user.l and user020.l.
Random read of physical disk sectors (not LSN), Convert julian time value to "hour:min:sec" string, Print "hour:min:sec" string, Convert julian date value to "year/month/day" string, Print "year/month/day" string, Print weekday string ("Sun" ... "Sat"), Read system time and convert to julian time format, Read system date and convert to julian date format, Read system date and time and return as "Y/M/D H:M:S" string, Print system date and time as "Y/M/D H:M:S", Open a module and fix OS-9 module CRC value, Open a file of modules and fix module CRC value, Open a file and check module CRC value, Open a file of modules and test module CRC value, Open a file and fix module header parity check value, Fix parity check value on header in buffer, Compute OS-9 module header parity check value, Perform a hex and ascii dump similar to DUMP utility, Control paging, similar to '$ tmode pause', Search process table for module name and return pid, Extract command line option string, Copy data from one path to another, Iniz a RBF device, initialize the drive table, Detect RBF FILETRANSFER AND REMOTE LOGIN Communication software controls the modem connected to the computer and directs data to and from the modem. For most cases in the PC environment, the modem is used in an asynchronous mode and the software controls the modem by the AT command set. Modems support the extended AT command set and are compatible with most communication software. However, there are some unique features in the modem and there are some unique commands to control them. Some communication software need a "modem data file" to tell it what commands and features the modem supports. REMOTE allows the configuration via commandline arguments. This is convenient because no additional support files or databases are required for operation. This makes installation very simple and the whole system keeps ROMABLE without RBF. HOW REMOTE WORKS REMOTE is an utility that allows you to remote control a 680x0 based computer via telephone line. REMOTE allows to send/receive binary and files from a remote host. No human interaction is required on the remote OS-9 side. REMOTE performs the data transfer via serial link and serves as man-machine interface on the OS-9 side. The software provides ZModem up-/download capabilities as well as complete access to the host via OS-9 shell. Please click here for futher information or demoversions The software is available as The information contained in this product information sheet is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication. The information and the software described herein is subject to change without notice. OS-9 and OS-9/68000 are trademarks of Radisys. This product information sheet reflects devTOOL software. Copyright (c) 1992-2016 DTR Datentechnik Reischke. All rights reserved.
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